Rotulos Video
Juan PradaMSX-BASICMSX2 Design [Feb 28, 1988] visitasdp_n 24057 barra_n  actualizaciondp_nFeb 28, 2006
ejecucion run"tittler, run"tittler1, run"rotulvid, run"rotulvi1
raton No / Optional
comentario instrucciones
Program for video titling Programa has a complex interface to do all operations. You may follow the instructions on the screen.
Diskettes del programa
Click to see diskette 'ROTULOS VIDEO 1'ROTULOS VIDEO 1Video titles software Here there are some pics used in [b...21MSX2Feb 12, 2007720KPersonal diskMSX-DOS
Click to see diskette 'ROTULOS VIDEO MENU'ROTULOS VIDEO MENUDiskette with a lot of utilities for titling video, with sta...23MSX2Feb 28, 2006720KPersonal diskMSX-DOS
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