Juan PradaMSX-BASICMSX2 Design [Feb 27, 1988] visitasdp_n 24057 barra_n  actualizaciondp_nFeb 27, 2006
ejecucion run"verpan
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comentario instrucciones
Tiny utility to show SCREEN 8 screens, stored in files having the extension .PIC Run and type the file
Diskettes del programa
Click to see diskette 'PROG 4/5'PROG 4/5Some programs and graphics from JuanP...26MSX2Feb 27, 2006720KPersonal diskMSX-DOS
Click to see diskette 'ROTULOS VIDEO 1'ROTULOS VIDEO 1Video titles software Here there are some pics used in [b...21MSX2Feb 12, 2007720KPersonal diskMSX-DOS
Click to see diskette 'ROTULOS VIDEO MENU'ROTULOS VIDEO MENUDiskette with a lot of utilities for titling video, with sta...23MSX2Feb 28, 2006720KPersonal diskMSX-DOS
Click to see diskette 'VATIC1'VATIC1Graphics and demo of the game project "Ataque al Vaticano"...2MSX2Mar 05, 2006720KPersonal diskMSX-BASIC
Click to see diskette 'VIDEOGRAPHICS 1'VIDEOGRAPHICS 1Disk with videographics and some selfmade screens...3MSX2Mar 06, 2006720KPersonal diskMSX-DOS
Click to see diskette 'VIDEOGRAPHICS 2'VIDEOGRAPHICS 2Disk with videographics and some selfmade screens...4MSX2Mar 06, 2006720KPersonal diskMSX-DOS
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