Juan PradaMSX-BASICMSX2 Design [Feb 26, 1987] visitasdp_n 24057 barra_n  actualizaciondp_nFeb 26, 2006
ejecucion run"cogegr
raton No / Optional
comentario instrucciones
Simple program that picks a portion of the screen and store it in OPERA.DIB file Move with the mouse and press button to save
Diskettes del programa
Click to see diskette 'PROGRAMAS DIBUJOS 2'PROGRAMAS DIBUJOS 2Graphics and programs...20MSX2Feb 26, 2006360KPersonal diskMSX-DOS
Click to see diskette 'PROG 4/5'PROG 4/5Some programs and graphics from JuanP...26MSX2Feb 27, 2006720KPersonal diskMSX-DOS
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