CD48 V1.1 Animatic
Juan PradaMSX-BASICMSX2 Design [Oct 01, 1988] visitasdp_n 24057 barra_n  actualizaciondp_nFeb 26, 2006
ejecucion Option 2 in start menu or run"cd48 in Basic mode
raton No / Optional
comentario instrucciones
Basic and machine code made program. It can capture and make bitmaps in SCREEN 8 mode, with the AnimaticAnimatic link feature. Follow the instructions on the screen (in spanish, sorry).

Left button: Paint and select command. (Press buttons)
Rigth button: Select color.

The method is it load a screen (a pic), then pick a part of it, edit it and then put the part again in the screen. Then you can save the screen.
This was the way I used to compose the SCREEN8 hidden PAGE 2 to pick sprites from.

To clear memory, the BASIC command is: Clear 200, &hDE79
Diskettes del programa
Click to see diskette 'DEMO MAPA 1'DEMO MAPA 1Lenght of map data: 1080.14K 1.05Mb V1.1 Oct 20, 1989 ...4MSX2Feb 26, 2006720KPersonal diskMSX-BASIC
Click to see diskette 'EBES'EBESDisk with selfmade programas, dedicated to graphic desing, s...6MSX2Oct 17, 2004720KPersonal diskMSX-BASIC
Click to see diskette 'REVOLUTIONS'REVOLUTIONSAmong other thigs, programs and graphics used to make the fi...8MSX2Feb 12, 2007720KPersonal diskMSX-DOS
Click to see diskette 'ZBASE 1'ZBASE 1Diskette with design programs and screens belonging to the g...7MSX2Mar 08, 2006720KPersonal diskMSX-BASIC
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