Juan PradaMSX-BASICMSX2 Design [Jan 01, 1990] visitasdp_n 24057 barra_n  actualizaciondp_nFeb 18, 2006
ejecucion run "moviola
raton No / Optional
comentario instrucciones
For the NMS8280, the program captures four frames, storing them in SCREEN5 format. Then you can choose the colors to use and after all, the four frames are animated in a loop sequence. Follow instructions on screen.
Diskettes del programa
Click to see diskette 'GRAFIC1'GRAFIC1Disk with self made programas and graphics. As is in MSX-...20MSX2Feb 18, 2006720KPersonal diskMSX-DOS
Click to see diskette 'IL PALIO'IL PALIOGraphic and develop archive for Il Palio demo....9MSX2Feb 26, 2006720KPersonal diskMSX-DOS
Click to see diskette 'RED'REDIt have the Moviola program and some files related...1MSX2Feb 27, 2006720KPersonal diskMSX-BASIC
Click to see diskette 'UTILIDADES PROG/DIS'UTILIDADES PROG/DISDesign and programming utilities. There are programs in DOS...23MSX2Mar 05, 2006720KPersonal diskMSX-DOS
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