 | EGOS | Graphic editor from Opera... | Autorun | Feb 17, 2006 |  | 1989 |  | Systems |  |
 | DF8 | Opera Soft's MSX2 interna... | Type DF8 after A> prompt | Feb 17, 2006 |  | 1989 |  | Design |  |
 | Videographics Full Screen | Tweaked Videographics sof... | Type VIDEOFUL after A> prompt | Oct 18, 2004 |  | 1988 |  | Design |  |
 | Videographics | Philips Videographics sof... | Type VIDEOGRF after A> prompt | Oct 18, 2004 |  | 1988 |  | Design |  |
 | CD48 V1.7 OCT90 | Basic and machine code ma... | run "CD48 | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1990 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | CD48 V1.1 Animatic | Basic and machine code ma... | Option 2 in start menu or run"cd48 in Basic mode | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1988 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | CD48 | Basic and machine code ma... | Menu select or run "cd48 in basic | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1988 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Animatic | Program made in BASIC use... | run "animatic | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1989 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Animatic V2 | Program made in BASIC use... | run"animatic | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1989 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | DesignR | Program to desing sprites... | run "designr | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1988 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Design Sprites | Program to desing sprites... | run"design , run"design1 | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1986 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | DesignD | Program to desing sprites... | run"designd.bas | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1988 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Vaticano | Game project. This consis... | run "vaticano
run "vat" (A initial version, without stage) | Oct 18, 2004 |  | 1990 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | MakeSon | It can make a lot of weir... | run "makeson | Oct 18, 2004 |  | 1990 | Juan Prada | Sound |  |
 | MovRobot | Moves a robot... | run "movrobot | Oct 18, 2004 |  | 1990 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | TrbWind8 V2 | Digitalize images with NM... | Press key 3 in start menu | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1990 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | TrbWind8 | Digitalize images with NM... | run"trbwind8 | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1990 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | TrbWind5 | Digitalize images with NM... | run"trbwind5 | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1990 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | AutoGam 1 | Menu for a game's diskett... | run "autogam1.bas | Oct 18, 2004 |  | 1990 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Menu de programas | Menu for a game's diskett... | run"menu | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1990 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | AutoGam 2 | Menu for a game's diskett... | run "autogam2.bas | Oct 18, 2004 |  | 1990 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | TransChr | Program to convert SCREEN... | run "transchr | Feb 18, 2006 |  | 1989 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | DesignSp | Program to desing sprites... | run "designsp | Oct 18, 2004 |  | 1990 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Saltos | Sprite movement test in a... | run "saltos | Feb 18, 2006 |  | 1990 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | BasWalk | Sprite movement test made... | run "baswalk | Feb 18, 2006 |  | 2004 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Moves 2 | Testing of a 3D scroll an... | run "moves2.bas | Feb 18, 2006 |  | 1989 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Scroll | Test of a 3D stars scroll... | run "scroll.bas | Feb 18, 2006 |  | 1989 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Bichis C1 | Test of a sprite jumping ... | run "bichisc1 | Feb 18, 2006 |  | 1989 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Trans 8-5 | Converts a SCREEN8 to SCR... | run "trans8-5 | Feb 18, 2006 |  | 1990 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Sprite 5 | Captures Sprites in a SCR... | run "sprite5 | Feb 18, 2006 |  | 1990 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Moviola | For the NMS8280, the prog... | run "moviola | Feb 18, 2006 |  | 1990 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Trb Oper | Graphic capture utility. ... | Press option 1 in start menu | Feb 18, 2006 |  | 1989 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | The Map Demo | A functional map of a gam... | Press RETURN in autostart menu | Feb 18, 2006 |  | 1989 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | DBX-100 | Full screen Casio nerd wa... | run "dbx-100 | Feb 04, 2006 |  | 1990 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | DesPers Inicial | Character designer. First... | run"despbasi | Mar 08, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | DesPers Beta | Character designer. First... | run"despers | Mar 08, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | DesPers | Character designer.
Ma... | run"despers | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1989 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | DespPant | Like (PROG 28), but with ... | run"desppant | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1989 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | OVNI | A 3D simulation game, loo... | run"ovni | Feb 18, 2006 |  | 1985 | Unknown | Games |  |
 | MSX Home Office | Philips MSX Home Office, ... | Start the computer with the disk inserted and then press key 1 in the menu | Feb 18, 2006 |  | 1986 |  | Office |  |
 | MSX Designer | MSX Designer, fist graphi... | Start the computer with the disk inserted and then press key 2 in the menu | Feb 18, 2006 |  | 1986 |  | Design |  |
 | Look Pix | A simple programa to show... | run"lookpix.bas | Feb 18, 2006 |  | 1991 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Presentación Il Palio | Graphic animated show mad... | run"gpalio.bas | Nov 12, 2004 |  | 1991 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Tito Clemente | Funny test about a TV soa... | Type TITOCLEM in MSX-DOS mode | Nov 12, 2004 |  | 1991 | Juan Prada | Games |  |
 | Turbo Pascal | Turbo Pascal V3.00A - CP/... | Type TURBO being in MSX-DOS | Nov 12, 2004 |  | 1990 | Others | Development |  |
 | Las 4 en raya | Unfinished program for pl... | Type 4ENRAYA | Nov 12, 2004 |  | 1991 | Juan Prada | Games |  |
 | Fall | Animation made in Pascal ... | Type FALL being in MSX-DOS | Nov 12, 2004 |  | 1991 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Chrome | Screen capture with color... | run"chrome | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1990 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Rolling | Fast SCREEN 8 vertical sc... | run"rolling | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1990 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Ver M VRM | Watch Vermins graphic mov... | run"VERMVRM | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1989 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Biorritmos | Biorithm calculation... | run"biorrit | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1986 | Unknown | Games |  |
 | Screen 1 Def | Character edit for SCREEN... | run"scr1def | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1988 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Katmosis MSX2 V2 | JuanP's initial version f... | run"katmos , run"katmtir | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Games |  |
 | Katmosis MSX2 V3.0 | JuanP's final version for... | run"katmosis | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1989 | Juan Prada | Games |  |
 | Títulos Video Reportaje | Video titles for a school... | run"tvtit | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Dibuj 8 | A very simple program to ... | run"dibuj8 | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Spectrum | ZX Spectrum boot sequence... | run"spectr | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Video OP | Colour and effects animat... | run"videop | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Watsu | Graphic animation. Sound ... | run"watsu | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Watsu II | Graphic animation. Sound ... | run"watsu2 | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Reloj | Mouse move clock... | run"reloj | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Reloj II | Mouse move clock, with sp... | run"reloj | Feb 27, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Tierra | Earth's animation... | run"tierra | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1986 | Unknown | Animations |  |
 | El Castillo Embrujado | Platform game... | run"castembr | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Games |  |
 | Spectrum to MSX Converter | Spectrum to MSX screens c... | run"spec-msx | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1988 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Ver Spectrum | SPECTRUM screens viewer. ... | run"verspect | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1988 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Elipse Planet | Planet moving on a elipse... | run"elipse | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1988 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | CogeGR | Simple program that picks... | run"cogegr | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Trans 2-5 | SCREEN 2 to SCREEN 5 conv... | run"trans2-5 | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Trans 5-8 | SCREEN 5 to SCREEN 8 conv... | run"trans5-8 | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Out-A-Time Music | Project Out-A-Time music... | run"outatmus | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1988 | Juan Prada | Sound |  |
 | El Castillo de Moebert | Platform game... | run"moebert | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1986 | Others | Games |  |
 | MetBomb | Shot game. You have to re... | run"metbomb | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1988 | Juan Prada | Games |  |
 | Sat Bomb | Sat Bomb game, fire to th... | run"satbomb , run"satbomb1 | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1988 | Juan Prada | Games |  |
 | Montgolfier | Shot some birds from a ba... | run"montgolf | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1986 | Others | Games |  |
 | Logo MSX Stars | Program drawing a MSX log... | run"logmsx | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1985 | Unknown | Animations |  |
 | AltPant | Paint screen surface... | run"altpant | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1988 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | ParMSX | A.I. alike program to tal... | run"parmsx | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1988 | Juan Prada | Games |  |
 | El Mago | Game about finding the ma... | run"mago , run"mago1 , run"elmago | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1989 | Juan Prada | Games |  |
 | Demo Casio FX850P | Startup emulation of Casi... | run"democasi | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1988 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Casio Numbers | Game existing in some Cas... | run"casionum , run"numbers | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1988 | Juan Prada | Games |  |
 | VerPan | Tiny utility to show SCRE... | run"verpan | Feb 27, 2006 |  | 1988 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Ritmo | Rithm sequence made in Ba... | run"ritmo | Feb 27, 2006 |  | 1988 | Juan Prada | Sound |  |
 | Laserdib | Using video superimpose, ... | run"laserdib | Feb 27, 2006 |  | 1989 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | OjoCalc | Using video superimpose, ... | run"ojocalc | Feb 27, 2006 |  | 1989 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Fire | Like (PROG_ojocalc) but w... | run"fire | Feb 27, 2006 |  | 1989 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Fire 1 | Laser effect to use with ... | run"fire1 | Feb 27, 2006 |  | 1989 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Desg 7 | Program to draw with the ... | run"desg7 | Feb 28, 2006 |  | 1989 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Trans 7-8 | Converts SCREEN 7 screen ... | run"trans7-8 | Feb 28, 2006 |  | 1990 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Bordear 7 | Border the color 10 pixel... | run"bordear7 | Feb 28, 2006 |  | 1989 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Bordear 8 | Border the color 10 pixel... | run"bordear8 | Feb 28, 2006 |  | 1989 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Demo 424 | Demo in 512x424 interlace... | run"demo424 | Feb 28, 2006 |  | 1989 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | DigImag | Imagen capture in SCREEN ... | run"digimag | Feb 28, 2006 |  | 1989 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Titulos 8 | Utility to make superimpo... | run"titulos8 | Feb 28, 2006 |  | 1989 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Titulos 7 | Utility to make superimpo... | run"titulos7 | Feb 28, 2006 |  | 1989 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Digit 424 | Image capture using 424 p... | run"digit424 | Feb 28, 2006 |  | 1989 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Rotulos Video | Program for video titling... | run"tittler , run"tittler1 , run"rotulvid , run"rotulvi1 | Feb 28, 2006 |  | 1988 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | DemoBich | Weird animal walking on S... | run"demobich | Feb 28, 2006 |  | 1989 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Edit 424 | Interlaced screen mode 42... | run"edit424 | Feb 28, 2006 |  | 1989 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Antena 3 logo | Shows the old Antena 3 TV... | run"ant3 | Feb 28, 2006 |  | 1990 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Coloretín | Paint colourish squares t... | run"coloret | Mar 02, 2006 |  | 1989 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Watcher | Show memory contents like... | run"watcher | Mar 02, 2006 |  | 1989 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | TranSpri | SCREEN 8 blocks to Sprite... | run"transpri | Mar 02, 2006 |  | 1989 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Effects Estamos Aviaos | Special made program to m... | run"effects , run"effects1 , run"effects.bas | Mar 02, 2006 |  | 1989 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Colorin | Create shapes with colour... | run"colorin | Mar 02, 2006 |  | 1989 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Clones Drawing | Program to create graphic... | run"clones | Mar 02, 2006 |  | 1989 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Pio TV | Program showing a simple ... | run"pio.bas | Mar 02, 2006 |  | 1990 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Colores 256 | Shows all 256 colours of ... | run"colores | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1986 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Asterland MSX1 | Move a space module acros... | run"aster | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1986 | Juan Prada | Games |  |
 | Asterland MSX2 | Move a space module acros... | run"astermx2 | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1986 | Juan Prada | Games |  |
 | Lector de Sectores | Read disk sectors and sho... | run"lecsec | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1986 | Juan Prada | Development |  |
 | Editor de sectores | Shows and edit diskette s... | run"edisk | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1986 | Others | Development |  |
 | Mosca | Sprite movement on screen... | run"mosca | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1986 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Paracaidista | Throw a parachuteman from... | run"paracc | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Games |  |
 | Paracaidista II | Throw a parachuteman from... | run"parac | Mar 06, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Games |  |
 | Ver Diskette | Deep analysis of diskette... | run"verdisk | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1986 | Others | Development |  |
 | PicSpr | Primitive program to draw... | run"picspr | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1986 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | PicSpr 2 | Primitive program to draw... | run"picspr2 | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1986 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Fruak | Simple game to shoot a sh... | run"fruak | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Games |  |
 | Campana Big Ben | Big Ben sound simulation... | run"campana | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1986 | Unknown | Sound |  |
 | 2 Bytes | Two byte calculation for ... | run"2bytes | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1986 | Juan Prada | Development |  |
 | Maketit | To make drawings with sha... | run"maketit | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | GrafiMSX | Draw four diferent kinds ... | run"grafimsx | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | DibujMSX2 | Draw four diferent kinds ... | run"dibujmx2 | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Squash | A simple squash game... | run"squash | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1986 | Unknown | Games |  |
 | CartGran | Design and print big bann... | run"cartgran , run"cartgra1 | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Copy Text | Text screen copy to scree... | run"copytext | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1986 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | CM Copy | Copy text screen using as... | run"cmcopy | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Cuadro | Paint a picture using flo... | run"cuadro | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Mosaic | Draw mosaic boxes... | run"mosaic | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1986 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Caleidoscope | Draw a bunch of colour li... | run"caleid | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Input Design | Basic and simple program ... | run"inpdesig | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Unknown | Design |  |
 | 3D Zone | 3D game with a spaceship ... | run"3dzone | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Games |  |
 | Pachulin | Move an elastic bar avoid... | run"pachulin | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Games |  |
 | Music Juan | BASIC programmed song... | run"musicjua | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Sound |  |
 | Araña | A spider moving up and do... | run"araña | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Generador de discursos | This program is capable o... | run"discurso | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Unknown | Games |  |
 | Bichón | Sprite animation... | run"bichon | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Bichón Pelos | Sprite animation and draw... | run"bichonp | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Bocona | Sprite animation... | run"bocona | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Wreck | Sprite animation... | run"wreck | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Generador de frases Tochón | This program generates ra... | run"tochon | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Games |  |
 | Johnson | Sprote movement in a elip... | run"johnson | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Bomba Loca | Shooting game. Fire to fa... | run"bombloca | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Games |  |
 | Video Col | Random colour squares... | run"videocol | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Titulos 'La Venganza...' | Short film video tittles... | run"venganza | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | 2º A | Sentence generator progra... | run"2ºA | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Games |  |
 | Estrella rotante | Star shape sprite movemen... | run"strella | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Mouse Draw | Program to draw using the... | run"mouse | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Colores Ratón | Program to draw colour sq... | run"colsrat | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Colores Amarillos | Program to draw yellow co... | run"colsam | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Starping | Rotating star game. The g... | run"starping | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Games |  |
 | Graphics Chars | Character size 16 x 8 des... | run"grafics | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Hisoft GEN Assembler | Hisoft GEN Assembler, MSX... | run"gen2.bas | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1986 | Others | Development |  |
 | DEFC | Graphic related program... | run"defc | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1988 | Unknown | Design |  |
 | DEFS | Graphic related program... | run"defs | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1988 | Unknown | Design |  |
 | Black Box | Draw and move a black squ... | run"black | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1988 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | ED80 Editor | ED80 Editor... | ED80 | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Others | Development |  |
 | GEN80 Assembler | GEN80 assembler... | GEN80 | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Others | Development |  |
 | MON80 De-Assembler | MON80 deassembler... | MON80 | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Others | Development |  |
 | Ataque al Vaticano Demo1 | Sprite and graphic moveme... | run"demo1 | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1989 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | E.T. en Bici hasta al Luna | Free alternative MSX2 ver... | run"et | Mar 06, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Games |  |
 | Letter | Paint the entire ASCII ch... | run"letter | Mar 06, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Ampliación X16 | Allows drawing with the m... | run"ampx16 | Mar 06, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Rueda Giratoria | Rotating colour string wh... | run"rueda | Mar 06, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Starmove | Two player game tron-alik... | run"starmove | Mar 06, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Games |  |
 | Fuga Desesperada | 'Fuga Desesperada' film v... | run"fuga | Mar 06, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | SCR8DEMO | Little demo of SCREEN 8 c... | run"scr8demo | Mar 06, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Gans B52 | Shooting game to little t... | run"gansb52 | Mar 06, 2006 |  | 2006 | Unknown | Games |  |
 | Dibuj SCR5 | Simple program to draw in... | run"dibjscr5 | Mar 06, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Design SCR 8 | SCREEN 8 graphic designer... | run"desgscr8 | Mar 06, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Fireland | Game in progress (stopped... | run"fireland , run"firelan1 | Mar 06, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Games |  |
 | Cols SCREEN 0 | Permanent background colo... | run"colscr0 | Mar 07, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Palet 256 | Shows entire SCREEN 8 col... | run"palet256 | Mar 07, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Design Letters 6x7 | SCREEN 0 character design... | run"dlet6x7 | Mar 08, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Design Letters 6x7 Demo | Shows the character set g... | run"demo6x7 | Mar 08, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Bola | Paints a ball... | run"bola | Mar 08, 2006 |  | 1986 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Caracteres Grandes SCREEN 0 | Program to show big chars... | run"cargr0 | Mar 08, 2006 |  | 1986 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Zen Assembler | ZEN Assembler... | | Mar 08, 2006 |  | 1986 | Others | Development |  |
 | MONS Disassember | MONS Disassember... | | Mar 08, 2006 |  | 1985 | Others | Development |  |
 | WinDig | 12x16 pixels blocks windo... | run"windig | Mar 08, 2006 |  | 1988 | Juan Prada | Design |  |