 | EGOS | Graphic operating system made by Opera Soft, version 1.5.
I... | 2 |  | Feb 17, 2006 | 720K | Systems |  |
 | GRAFIC1 | Disk with self made programas and graphics.
As is in MSX-... | 20 |  | Feb 18, 2006 | 720K | Personal disk |  |
 | DIBUJ - JUAN | Disk with self made programas.
It has a some kind of CASIO ... | 2 |  | Feb 26, 2006 | 360K | Personal disk |  |
 | DEMO MAPA 1 | Lenght of map data: 1080.14K 1.05Mb
V1.1 Oct 20, 1989
... | 4 |  | Feb 26, 2006 | 720K | Personal disk |  |
 | DEMO MAPA 2 | The MAP Demo 2
V1.1 Oct 30, 1989
Disc #2 of DEMO MAPA
... | 1 |  | Feb 18, 2006 | 720K | Personal disk |  |
 | EBES | Disk with selfmade programas, dedicated to graphic desing, s... | 6 |  | Oct 17, 2004 | 720K | Personal disk |  |
 | OVNI | A disk with a game called Ovni.... | 1 |  | Feb 18, 2006 | 720K | Games |  |
 | MSX PHILIPS | Philips official MSX2 utilities disk.... | 2 |  | Oct 17, 2004 | 360K | Systems |  |
 | MASTER2 | Disk containing selfmade programs, in BASIC and Pascal.... | 6 |  | Oct 17, 2004 | 720K | Personal disk |  |
 | Out-A-Time | Characters and graphics of No-Time project.... | 4 |  | Feb 26, 2006 | 360K | Personal disk |  |
 | IL PALIO | Graphic and develop archive for Il Palio demo.... | 9 |  | Feb 26, 2006 | 720K | Personal disk |  |
 | PG1_ANIM | JuanP's video captures, desings and drawings.
See also (DIS... | 0 |  | Feb 26, 2006 | 720K | Personal disk |  |
 | PG2_ANIM | JuanP's video captures, desings and drawings... | 0 |  | Feb 26, 2006 | 720K | Personal disk |  |
 | PICTS KIT | KITTs video captures.... | 0 |  | Feb 26, 2006 | 720K | Personal disk |  |
 | PROGRAMAS DIBUJOS 1 | Graphics and programs... | 4 |  | Feb 26, 2006 | 360K | Personal disk |  |
 | PROGRAMAS DIBUJOS 2 | Graphics and programs... | 20 |  | Feb 26, 2006 | 360K | Personal disk |  |
 | PROG6 | JuanP's programs and graphics... | 20 |  | Feb 28, 2006 | 720K | Personal disk |  |
 | PROG 4/5 | Some programs and graphics from JuanP... | 26 |  | Feb 27, 2006 | 720K | Personal disk |  |
 | RED | It have the Moviola program and some files related... | 1 |  | Feb 27, 2006 | 720K | Personal disk |  |
 | REVOLUTIONS | Among other thigs, programs and graphics used to make the fi... | 8 |  | Feb 12, 2007 | 720K | Personal disk |  |
 | ROTULOS VIDEO 1 | Video titles software
Here there are some pics used in [b... | 21 |  | Feb 12, 2007 | 720K | Personal disk |  |
 | ROTULOS VIDEO MENU | Diskette with a lot of utilities for titling video, with sta... | 23 |  | Feb 28, 2006 | 720K | Personal disk |  |
 | SIGMA 1 | SigmaStudios 69 productions
[b]Estamos Aviaos[/b], made u... | 13 |  | Feb 12, 2007 | 720K | Personal disk |  |
 | Swiss Disk | First diskette used in my very first MSX2 (Philips VG8235), ... | 49 |  | Mar 21, 2006 | 360K | Personal disk |  |
 | TRANSPAN | Selfmade graphics and screens from Spectrum converted to MSX... | 3 |  | Mar 05, 2006 | 360K | Personal disk |  |
 | TRANSPAN 2 | Selfmade graphics and screens from Spectrum, belonging the O... | 4 |  | Mar 05, 2006 | 360K | Personal disk |  |
 | TRANSPAN 3 | Selfmade graphics and screens from Spectrum, belonging the O... | 1 |  | Mar 05, 2006 | 360K | Personal disk |  |
 | UTILIDADES PROG/DIS | Design and programming utilities.
There are programs in DOS... | 23 |  | Mar 05, 2006 | 720K | Personal disk |  |
 | VATIC1 | Graphics and demo of the game project "Ataque al Vaticano"... | 2 |  | Mar 05, 2006 | 720K | Personal disk |  |
 | VIDEOGRAPHICS 1 | Disk with videographics and some selfmade screens... | 3 |  | Mar 06, 2006 | 720K | Personal disk |  |
 | VIDEOGRAPHICS 2 | Disk with videographics and some selfmade screens... | 4 |  | Mar 06, 2006 | 720K | Personal disk |  |
 | VIDEOSOFT | Various programs, designs and animations... | 32 |  | Mar 06, 2006 | 360K | Personal disk |  |
 | ZEN ASM | Pruebas de programación en ensamblador y juegos de caracter... | 3 |  | Mar 08, 2006 | 360K | Personal disk |  |
 | ZBASE 1 | Diskette with design programs and screens belonging to the g... | 7 |  | Mar 08, 2006 | 720K | Personal disk |  |