360K Personal disk [Mar 06, 1989] |
24057 24057 Mar 06, 2006 |
Various programs, designs and animations |
 | DesignR | Program to desing sprites... | run"designr | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1988 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | DesPers Inicial | Character designer. First... | run"despbasi | Mar 08, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | DesPers Beta | Character designer. First... | run"despers | Mar 08, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Asterland MSX1 | Move a space module acros... | run"aster1 | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1986 | Juan Prada | Games |  |
 | Editor de sectores | Shows and edit diskette s... | run"edisk | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1986 | Others | Development |  |
 | Paracaidista II | Throw a parachuteman from... | run"parac | Mar 06, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Games |  |
 | Bichón | Sprite animation... | run"bichon | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Bichón Pelos | Sprite animation and draw... | run"bichonp | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Bocona | Sprite animation... | run"bocona | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Wreck | Sprite animation... | run"wreck | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Johnson | Sprote movement in a elip... | run"johnson | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Estrella rotante | Star shape sprite movemen... | run"strella | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Mouse Draw | Program to draw using the... | run"mouse | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Graphics Chars | Character size 16 x 8 des... | run"grafics | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | E.T. en Bici hasta al Luna | Free alternative MSX2 ver... | run"et | Mar 06, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Games |  |
 | Letter | Paint the entire ASCII ch... | run"letter | Mar 06, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Ampliación X16 | Allows drawing with the m... | run"ampx16 | Mar 06, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Rueda Giratoria | Rotating colour string wh... | run"rueda | Mar 06, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Starmove | Two player game tron-alik... | run"starmove | Mar 06, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Games |  |
 | Fuga Desesperada | 'Fuga Desesperada' film v... | run"fuga | Mar 06, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | SCR8DEMO | Little demo of SCREEN 8 c... | run"scr8demo | Mar 06, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Gans B52 | Shooting game to little t... | run"gansb52 | Mar 06, 2006 |  | 2006 | Unknown | Games |  |
 | Dibuj SCR5 | Simple program to draw in... | run"dibjscr5 | Mar 06, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Design SCR 8 | SCREEN 8 graphic designer... | run"desgscr8 | Mar 06, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Fireland | Game in progress (stopped... | run"fireland , run"firelan1 | Mar 06, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Games |  |
 | Cols SCREEN 0 | Permanent background colo... | run"colscr0 | Mar 07, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Palet 256 | Shows entire SCREEN 8 col... | run"palet256 | Mar 07, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Design Letters 6x7 | SCREEN 0 character design... | run"dlet6x7 | Mar 08, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Design Letters 6x7 Demo | Shows the character set g... | run"demo6x7 | Mar 08, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Bola | Paints a ball... | run"bola | Mar 08, 2006 |  | 1986 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Caracteres Grandes SCREEN 0 | Program to show big chars... | run"cargr0 | Mar 08, 2006 |  | 1986 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
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