Swiss Disk |
360K Personal disk [Mar 02, 1986] |
24057 24057 Mar 21, 2006 |
First diskette used in my very first MSX2 (Philips VG8235), where my initial BASIC programs were made. |
 | Design Sprites | Program to desing sprites... | run"design , run"design1 | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1986 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | DesignR | Program to desing sprites... | run"designr | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1988 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Montgolfier | Shot some birds from a ba... | run"montgolf | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1986 | Others | Games |  |
 | ParMSX | A.I. alike program to tal... | run"parmsx , run"parmsx2 | Feb 26, 2006 |  | 1988 | Juan Prada | Games |  |
 | Colores 256 | Shows all 256 colours of ... | run"colores | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1986 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Asterland MSX1 | Move a space module acros... | run"aster | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1986 | Juan Prada | Games |  |
 | Asterland MSX2 | Move a space module acros... | run"astermx2 | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1986 | Juan Prada | Games |  |
 | Lector de Sectores | Read disk sectors and sho... | run"lecsec | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1986 | Juan Prada | Development |  |
 | Editor de sectores | Shows and edit diskette s... | run"edisk | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1986 | Others | Development |  |
 | Mosca | Sprite movement on screen... | run"mosca | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1986 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Paracaidista | Throw a parachuteman from... | run"paracc | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Games |  |
 | Ver Diskette | Deep analysis of diskette... | run"verdisk | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1986 | Others | Development |  |
 | PicSpr | Primitive program to draw... | run"picspr | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1986 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | PicSpr 2 | Primitive program to draw... | run"picspr2 | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1986 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Fruak | Simple game to shoot a sh... | run"fruak | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Games |  |
 | Campana Big Ben | Big Ben sound simulation... | run"campana | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1986 | Unknown | Sound |  |
 | 2 Bytes | Two byte calculation for ... | run"2bytes | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1986 | Juan Prada | Development |  |
 | Maketit | To make drawings with sha... | run"maketit | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | GrafiMSX | Draw four diferent kinds ... | run"grafimsx | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | DibujMSX2 | Draw four diferent kinds ... | run"dibujmx2 | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Squash | A simple squash game... | run"squash | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1986 | Unknown | Games |  |
 | CartGran | Design and print big bann... | run"cartgran , run"cartgra1 | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Copy Text | Text screen copy to scree... | run"copytext | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1986 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | CM Copy | Copy text screen using as... | run"cmcopy | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Cuadro | Paint a picture using flo... | run"cuadro | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Mosaic | Draw mosaic boxes... | run"mosaic | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1986 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Caleidoscope | Draw a bunch of colour li... | run"caleid | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Input Design | Basic and simple program ... | run"inpdesig | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Unknown | Design |  |
 | 3D Zone | 3D game with a spaceship ... | run"3dzone | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Games |  |
 | Pachulin | Move an elastic bar avoid... | run"pachulin | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Games |  |
 | Music Juan | BASIC programmed song... | run"musicjua | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Sound |  |
 | Araña | A spider moving up and do... | run"araña | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Generador de discursos | This program is capable o... | run"discurso | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Unknown | Games |  |
 | Bichón | Sprite animation... | run"bichon | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Bichón Pelos | Sprite animation and draw... | run"bichonp | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Bocona | Sprite animation... | run"bocona | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Wreck | Sprite animation... | run"wreck | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Generador de frases Tochón | This program generates ra... | run"tochon | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Games |  |
 | Johnson | Sprote movement in a elip... | run"johnson | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Bomba Loca | Shooting game. Fire to fa... | run"bombloca | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Games |  |
 | Video Col | Random colour squares... | run"videocol | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Titulos 'La Venganza...' | Short film video tittles... | run"venganza | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | 2º A | Sentence generator progra... | run"2ºA | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Games |  |
 | Estrella rotante | Star shape sprite movemen... | run"strella | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Animations |  |
 | Mouse Draw | Program to draw using the... | run"mouse | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Colores Ratón | Program to draw colour sq... | run"colsrat | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Colores Amarillos | Program to draw yellow co... | run"colsam | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
 | Starping | Rotating star game. The g... | run"starping | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Games |  |
 | Graphics Chars | Character size 16 x 8 des... | run"grafics | Mar 05, 2006 |  | 1987 | Juan Prada | Design |  |
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